Monday, December 27, 2010

 Zap >>>>>>>>>>>> Delete

 If your past and your future
Were suddenly zapped ! 

All that would remain 
Would be the totality 
Of who you truly are

Awakened presence


~ * ~

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Searching For Who You Are?

~ * ~
Deeper and beyond the conceptual mind

'We are, what we are', simply put

~ * ~

If I am aware of being aware

I am that awareness

When I am being fully present

I am that presence

Then I am being who I am

~ In this I am this ~

~ * ~

Need we be searching for something more?

The Thinker is searching in the wrong place
Lost in the maze of his conceptual reality matrix
With all the other thinkers

Monday, December 20, 2010

Awakened Presence Awareness

Being aware of being present...

We come to the end of Vereda, the trail as we have followed it...

Now, here there is only an immense expanse opening out before us...

There are no more sign-posts pointing out the ‘way’...

There are no more guiding concepts ...

No more opinions or beliefs to cling to...

No more theories or clever explanations to elaborate...

There is only this pristine awareness of having arrived...

Of being at the very epicenter of this evolving universe...

And the utter perfection of just what is...

The ineffable suchness and this presence awareness~

Clearly … you may enter any time you like...

But you will never want to leave~

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Stream of Being

To know the very essence of awakened awareness
Our immediate presence ...

We only need to enter into
the direct experience of it ...

Familiarize our selves with it
more and more …

Until our presence in this awareness
is fully established …

Profound and tranquil ...Luminously clear
A sacred space

Our authentic person-hood
Our mode of conscious living …

Our stream of being
And our life expression ~

Are you finding your direction?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

                          OM               The jewel of the mind             Awareness

                          MANI             Blossoming                           Fully manifest

                          PEME            Heart center                         Your true nature

                          HUM              Expressed                            Relaxed presence

The Great Timeless Instant ...

The yogas that open the awareness


body ,,, breath  & mind essence

Bring us eventually ...

To the awakened realization of presence ,,,

To the origin of all the yogas ...

These are the yogas of all the buddhas

of all

time past ,,, time present ,,, time future

All contained in this timeless instant …

Your immediate intrinsic,  all-embracing awareness ~

The Samaya of Connecting

Connecting the dots ,,,

The points of light ,,,

That manifest throughout our day !

Moments of clarity ~

Expanding into awareness !

Presence ,,,

Connecting the points of light ~

The samaya of our day !

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Origin of Yoga

Yoga is about being present!
In body, speech & mind ~

Recognizing your presence!
In this all-embracing awareness ~

Free from distraction!
Relaxed … Alert … Presence

You are experiencing!
The origin of yoga


Opening The Univewrse

Opening to the expanse of awareness beyond the conceptual mind

Brings us to the direct experience of spontaneous presence *

Pure being at the very epicenter of the manifest universe

Without a subjective “I” or the distinction of separate objects

Only the certain knowledge … “I am just this” ~

~Relaxed presence~

The origin of all the Yogas 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Entry Point & Goal

Your path ... Is simply

~  presence awareness  ~

Your entry point and goal ~

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Wellspring of Our Being

The wellspring of our being in the world …
Is immediate awareness itself!
The awareness that is aware of being aware …
Our true nature…authentic* presence!
The essence of enlightenment…
Present in everyone ~
Those who recognize their true nature…
Are enlightened!
Those who cling to the conceptual mind

Are lost in their ignor-ance!

Let us awaken!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Relaxed Presence

If you have discovered this Vereda

There is another Portal 
At the very epicenter
Of your immediate awareness ~

Opening the timeless dimension ...

All-embracing awareness 

Spontaneous presence

The reality stream
of infinite delight ~


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Breath Portal

Entering inner body awareness

Through a single breath

Opens an immense expanse


Seemingly infinite

Aware of a knowing presence

A witnessing observer

Without identity

Simply a relaxed presence

In the center of this reality ...

Perfectly unfolding

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dimensions of Time

Time past, time present, and time future
Are purely conceptual abstractions

The dimension of immediate awareness
Is always now ... Beyond conceptual time

Enlightened awareness ... Is a timeless dimension

Naturally occurring timeless presence

Enter here the still point
Of the turning world...TSE

Monday, September 20, 2010

Space-Time / Conscious Universe

Einstein would often say, 'the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion'. “Time is what we measure with a clock and space is what we measure with a measuring rod” he would add. 

Is he suggesting that space and time are merely conceptual conventions defined in terms of the operations by which they are measured?

The illusion here is that we reify these concepts, assuming, or firmly believing, 'they' actually exist 'out there' in the universe, independently of our conceptual formulations. 

Actually they merely serve to hold our conceptual matrix of 'reality' together. They are entirely fabricated, reified constructs without independent existence.  Check it out!

Believing in them however, is always entertaining, amusing,  even disturbingly distracting. We live our entire lives in this conceptual matrix.

Surely anyone can see the 'Space-Being'
in the photo above?

What is happening 'out there' is actually happening 'in-here'. It's the continuously renewed immediacy of awareness itself:
 a knowing presence observing awareness.

The only 'time' in the intrinsic awareness of pure and total presence is now. It is always now, the ever-present ineffable experience of the suchness. This is the still point of the turning world... Where awareness is aware of being a witness, without an 'I'dentity... simply a relaxed presence.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Awakened Presence Awareness

The jewel of the mind
All encompassing, and incorruptible

The inner wisdom-teacher
The glow of your own awareness

Manifesting wisdom-empowerment
In compassionate itentionality
and Ahimsa,

Endeavoring always
To share the treasure
that is the source
of true happiness
and the remedy
for the world's

Portals of Presence

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Non-Dual Clarity

Immediate Presence Awareness

If you understand that the mind
and the elements of the manifest universe
are not two, but only one
You have realized relaxed presence
Let your awareness shine
Everything arises as pure delight
Everything passes
And there is always
this immediate presence
Profound and tranquil
Free of complexity
Non-dual luminous clarity!
It's the crystal-mirror ~

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

To Know Your Future

If you want to know your future condition
You must look into the crystal mirror! 

 Attending to the presence of awareness 
in the samaya of your daily life

This is the yoga of immediate presence

Sustaining recognition of the blissful
Awareness of pure being

Yogins and yoginis dance
in the buddhafields of pure delight

You must discover for yourself 
that it is this, and this alone,
that manifests your destiny


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Theory of Everything

Still trying to figure it out?
Lost in conceptual ideas!

So then keep thinking,
but do not cling to thoughts.

From the yoga of presence,
stretch out into the infinite
dimension of awareness itself.

will simplify to one equality!

Consciousness Is Energy
Energy Is Consciousness

Profound and tranquil, 
free of complexity.

Uncompounded, luminous clarity.
Beyond the mind of conceptual ideas

This is the depth of the mind 
of the Victorious Ones!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Parameters of TOE

The Energy that Animates the Universe

The energy that comprises all particulate matter in the universe, harmonically integrates the vibrational frequencies of these particles to form the atomic elements that make up the building blocks of the physical universe.

The energy that determines the way these particles combine also determines the physical-chemical properties of the elements formed and their valences for bonding with other elements to form the stars and the compounds that comprise the planetary bodies as well as the molecules of life itself.

This energy empowers and animates all life, plant and animal. It includes the physical-chemical and biological parameters that allow such life to synthesize and accurately replicate itself.

It is this same energy that emerges in sentient beings as consciousness and in human life as awareness. The consciousness that is realized in the enlightened mind of a buddha is this same dynamic energy of awareness. 

The fundamental law of the universe, the Theory of Everything, TOE. must therefore incorporate the dynamic of consciousness, it cannot be reduced to or derived from Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, E = MC^2. It must be expanded as E = C, where E is the total energy of the universe and C is consciousness. Where Einstein's formulation reveals the energy inherent in matter, E = C reveals the consciousness inherent in energy.

Simply put, this formulation is a theory of everything because it puts consciousness at the center, thereby including all psychological variables as well as social and cultural phenomena, artistic and literary expression, religious superstitions and even the utter madness of human  destructiveness and violence. It is not a reductionist model. It's an integral model of the universe.

A TOE that fails to integrate consciousness into the equation can never be complete because it fails to recognize the intelligence that is seeking the definitive explanation of "everything". That's us! We are that inquiring consciousness.

Enlightenment is awakening. It is becoming conscious of the presence of awareness. It is awareness that is aware of being aware. Awareness itself is the portal to this presence. This is the presence that is in harmony with and integral to the dynamic energy that animates the universe of appearances and possibilities, either of samsara or nirvana. Nirvana is merely being present in awareness.

A TOE through a portal of presence

The Dynamic Energy of Awareness

The Dynamic Energy of Awareness

Manifesting the universe of appearances and possibilities,
Objects, forms, thoughts, and emotions...

The totality of our experience
Is the manifestation of this dynamic energy.

Primordially and spontaneously present
Entailing no effort or achievement. 

It is the self-knowing awareness
Of awakeened mind itself

Total presence in this awareness is
The abode of all the buddhas of all time past,
Time present and time future.

Meditation is resting in this spacious expanse!
Sustaining recognition of the primal awareness
Of pure being

Profound and tranquil, free of complexity
Uncompounded, luminous clarity!
Beyond the mind of conceptual ideas.

This is the depth of the mind of 
The victorious ones!

The Blissful Awareness of Pure Being

Awareness Liberates What Awareness Illuminates

Conceptual elaboration however will trigger emotional associations leading to fixations and obsessions. This habitual cognitive activity, conditioned by all past experience, imprisons us in the diminished focus of the conceptual mind, locking us up in our own confusion. Locking us out of being purely present with what simply is in immediate awareness.

A portal to this pure and total presence is opened when awareness illuminates the fixation. What awareness illuminates awareness liberates, releasing us from our unconscious preoccupations and neurotic compulsions. 

Being duly liberated these conceptual-emotional complexes are integrated into enlightened (illuminated) understanding with compassion that leads to transcendence.

The Great Liberation

Spontaneous and free,
Entailing no effort or achievement,
 Restores awakened presence
and the blissful awareness
of pure being.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Namaste नमस्ते


Namaste is the yoga of shared presence in awareness.
It is when individuals acknowledge and honor the presence of  awareness in one another.

Buddhists recognize this deeper meaning of Namaste in the Anjali Mudra, signifying pure and total presence in awareness. Simply viewing this mudra will evoke awakened awareness in the receptive observer.

In the enactment of Namaste the gesture of the hands (mudra), the intonation of Namaste (mantra) and the praxis of awareness (Atiyoga) are integrated in the awakened awareness of presence that is a shared moment of pure being.

The significance of Namaste is that when recognition manifests recognition, two seemingly separate individuals are united in the conscious oneness of total presence.

In this yoga there is also a realization of the oneness of all conscious life and individuals sustaining this awareness transmit it to everyone they encounter. Receptive individuals are often introduced to total presence though this direct transmission.

May all beings awaken to the blissful awareness of pure and total presence!

Please enjoy this on your jopurney:


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Awakened Presence

The portal to the path that is the goal

Is always 現在

It is right now, in this present moment!

You will not find it by searching

You find pure presence in a moment

Without distraction

And there it is

The utter perfection of

Pure and total  presence


You have found a portal of presence

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pure Being Sings

Being present in thoughts
awareness illuminates
thinking ... doing ...
momentary distractions

Pure being sings
"I'm free"

Present in presence!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Sumbeam of Awareness

What awareness illuminates
Awareness liberates

When awareness illuminates awareness

Awakened presence
Opens to the infinite dimension

Empty yet utterly lucid
Naturally occurring timeless awareness

Manifesting the universe of appearances
And possibilities, objects, forms
Thoughts and emotions

A ceaseless magical display
Where yogins and yoginis dance
In the buddhafield of pure delight

Let the sunbeam of awareness
Illuminate your awareness 

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Believing What We Think

Watch Your Step Here!
Confusion rains supreme when we believe too much in anything we think.

By believing the conceptual elaborations of our experience,we mistake them for reality itself.

Yet these are merely our conditioned interpretations and as such can never capture the suchness of just what purely is. 

Being purely present with what is…here and now, in present moment awareness is the great liberation, a portal of presence.

Watch those fixations!
They will surely trip you up and take you out.