Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Praxis of Presence

To the karmically arrived individual, Buddhism is a path and a portal that leads directly to the realization of Buddha mind essence: intrinsic awareness. The path as such is not a religion or a philosophy. It is simply living in awakened awareness.

Being Buddhist is taking refuge in the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma, and the noble Shanga. Buddha is your inherent awakened awareness. The Dharma is the inner wisdom teacher, the luminosity of this awareness. And the noble Shanga is the community of those sustaining recognition of the primal awareness of pure being.

From the path perspective, Buddhism is simply the praxis of presence, naked unelaborated awareness, involving no causality, the abode of all the buddhas of time past, time present and time future.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Beyond Action and Non-Action

In the realization of our true nature,
Pure and total presence in awareness...

There remains nothing to be done,
Nothing to be added or removed,

Having realized this perfect,
unchanging presence...

Remaining alert, relaxed and present
Free from fabrications and elaborations...

Expressions of body, speech and mind,
Take place as a display
of enlightened awareness...
Even a single conscious breath,

For such yogins and yoginis there is only,
The primal awareness of pure being,
Transcending compulsive egoic doing.

Expressions of
wisdom and compassion
Beyond the mind of conceptual ideas,

  Naturally arise ... 

In the samaya of daily life 


Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Perfect Present

The Present Perfect

Having entered the present, via any of the 84,000 available portals, you will have actually transcended this ‘moment’, free and clear. This is because presence is timeless, free of attachments or clinging. It’s the reality continuum of nowness.

This is most certainly the esoteric meaning of the ‘eternal life’ that is referred to in Judeo-Christian traditions. Eternal, in present understanding, is not implying a mystical ‘after-life’ existence, but a continuity of awareness in a timeless dimension: empty like space, yet luminously clear, manifesting the universe of appearances and possibilities, objects, forms, thoughts and emotions.

The perfect present is then the Suchness of just what is in the continuously renewed immediacy of the eternal now. As such, the ineffable perfection of this manifest display is great wonderment. There is no dualistic attachment to reifying concepts, nor anxious clinging to our conditioned opinions. Free and clear, we simply relax and enjoy the magnificence.