Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Emptiness

Meditating on emptiness can be an entertaining  intellectual exercise. What is this emptiness? How can one meditate on it?

We can try to grasp a concept, conjure an image. But then we are only playing mind games … immersed in the mind of conceptual ideas...images...opinions...beliefs. The conceptual reality matrix.

Meditating in emptiness takes us to an entirely different dimension.
It’s simply resting, (waiting) in awareness... The heart-mind essence.

In this the emptiness is a direct experience. No concept can grasp it. No image can display it. In a sense there is actually nothing whatsoever to meditate on...

There is only occasionally the arising of conceptual elaborations
in the immense openness of nowness... The continuously renewed immediacy of perfection itself...

Labeling only occurs in confusion, mistaking the concept for the reality it imperfectly represents...

The prefect symbolic representation of this emptiness is the Tibetan AH...

As in “AH yes...The Perfect Suchness”

~ * ~

~  Enter here the reality stream ~

Dakini Dreams

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Evolution of symbolic communication

From the most sublime
Into hyper-complex languages

Yet all meanings condense
Into one symbol

 ~ OM ~

Perfectly understanding this
You are liberated from the mind’s
Conceptual ideas...meanings...values
Opinions … Beliefs

Opening the infinite dimension
From which it all arises
~ awareness ~

Naturally occurring ... Timeless
Profound ... Luminous clarity

Enter the stream

 ~ * ~