Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Non-Dual Clarity

Immediate Presence Awareness

If you understand that the mind
and the elements of the manifest universe
are not two, but only one
You have realized relaxed presence
Let your awareness shine
Everything arises as pure delight
Everything passes
And there is always
this immediate presence
Profound and tranquil
Free of complexity
Non-dual luminous clarity!
It's the crystal-mirror ~


  1. I love it, but what do you mean by "Everything arises as pure delight"?, what about pain

  2. Thank you Elisa, kind and thoughtful
    I have wondered too... what about pain?

    Well, it all depends on the meaning
    of delight...

    If it's undistracted presence awareness

    Pain will most certainly bring you there

    It's the conceptualizing mind stream
    That takes us into the agonizing fixations

    So, yes even pain can bring us
    to one pointed immediate awareness

    Pain too arises
    and pain always pass

    And still... 'there is always
    this immediate presence'

    Mahalo and Aloha

  3. Beautiful post and response to Elisa. I have found this to be true too... Pain can and does take you "there..." Everything is an invitation to Freedom... Everything is a dance of light and dark - as one... Christine

  4. Christine Thank you Thank you!
    Exactly so! I have been totally immersed in that dance for 13 days now: light and darkness.
    Darkness descends when the conceptualizing mind runs all possible distractions. Freedom releases from these fixations and then there is light that embraces and nurtures the passing pains.
