Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dimensions of Time

Time past, time present, and time future
Are purely conceptual abstractions

The dimension of immediate awareness
Is always now ... Beyond conceptual time

Enlightened awareness ... Is a timeless dimension

Naturally occurring timeless presence

Enter here the still point
Of the turning world...TSE


  1. You are welcome Tom

    We agree

    There are many vistas of the further shore,

    No need for us to be building bridges though

    A single conscious breath ...
    Will take us there

  2. Dear Vereda ~ I love these words. They speak of a depth of awareness that is rare. And yet, I somehow *know* this that you speak. That there is no "present moment" as we currently *think* of it - there is only the immediacy of our experience, only Now - but not in the sense of a place in space. Just "Nowing." Our concepts of past, present and future are only "wrinkles in timelessness."

    I resonate with the way you express Awareness - such simplicity sings to my Heart. Christine

  3. Thank you Christine ~ There is such a joy in sharing and finding the clearest, simplest words to express the deepest timeless truths. And when others resonate with those words, those pointers, we are reassured there are other companions on our journey. Thank you for your kind comments. Vereda
